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.. L? j'ai quand m?me r?ussi ?lui demander pardon! C'est l? qu'elle m'a fait un grand sourire. Ellem'a dit que j'avais de la chance d'?tre aussi appr?ci? des filles...Surtout d'Alexie. Elle m'a alors demand? quel ?tait mon salaire." Pourquoi?" J'?tais si g?n? que je ne me suis pas demand? pourquoi sur le coup,alors je le lui ai dit. Elle m'a alors propos? que je travaille pourelle, pour m'occuper des filles... Elle m'a dit qu'Alexie m'aimaitbeaucoup, et que c'?tait important pour elle que j'accepte... Elle m'apromis d'augmenter mon salaire." Et vous avez accept??" Oui, et juste apr?s, elle m'a pr?cis? que je devrais porter ununiforme pour mon travail. L? encore j'ai accept?... C'est alorsqu'elle a pr?cis? que c'?tait un uniforme de soubrette!" Et vous avez quand m?me accept??" Oui, c'est fou... Au fond de moi, je disais non... Et j'ai dit oui. Jeme disais que ce n'?tait pas bien, et en m?me temps j'adorais m'occuperdes filles. J'ai accept? de vivre ce qui pour moi n'?tait. When she got home I asked her and after a while, she admitted that she had not used contraceptives for the last two months. I panicked because we had only made love three or four times in the last two months and every time it was after she had been out with other men. I knew that the chances that she had already conceived were very high and the likelihood that it was with my sperm was so remote it couldn’t be considered.”“Fuck, you should have kicked her ass to the curb. How did you handle that?”“I was pissed off, really pissed off. At first, I told her to leave but after consideration, I decided that she could stay. I realized that I had been partly to blame for this crazy behaviour and so I thought that we should work through it together. I told her she had to sort herself out or she was out.”“I don’t blame you. She shouldn’t do something like that without discussion and you had said no so she should respect your right to say so.”“You may not like to hear this, Goyse, but when I.
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